JP4 Foundation wanted specific user-centric approaches to communicating their unique value proposition to each of their varied (and differing) target audiences.


UX Designer & Researcher


Know-Don’t Know-Assume, Stakeholder Interview, Deep Dive, Guiding Strategy Statement, Touchpoint Strategy Map


Figma, Figjam, Google Sheet, Cardboard, Pen & paper

Systems of Growth, an interactive student survey

Read the report here.

Multi-touchpoint strategy map

View the map here.


JP4’s primary audiences were: (1) Program Participants, (2) Donors, (3) School Leaders & Decision Makers, (4) Community Orgs/Rec Center Leaders & Decision Makers.

Our team focused on Program participants. These were students participating in JP4’s Diamond Club program. Students ranged from 2nd to 7th graders and were from what JP4 considers “underserved” communities.


Our team drove into a deep-dive research where each member focused on one question. Answers were based on resources from a similar program landscape as JP4 .


During our stakeholder interview, JP4 informed our team that they do not gather consistent data from their participants. Capacity, funding, and inconsistencies with student attendance were all reasons why this information wasn’t collected. After our team deliberated, we decided to focus specifically on gathering student data as they are the core of why JP4 exist.


Throughout our process, our team could not ignore the secondary participants within JP4 that are vital to their programming. Our team talked immensely about the mentors and guardians of the students in JP4. Our team felt it was important to acknowledge the role of these two groups.

Mentors are vital participants in JP4’s programming. Mentors are the face of JP4 and execute JP4’s mission and values by working with the students in the Diamond Club. Mentors also reflect the communities JP4 students are from.

Guardians have not had any connection to JP4. Our team recognizes that there are barriers to facilitating this connection and that some families are in strenuous situations. However, because of the lack of effort made by JP4, guardians have no way of knowing who JP4 is or what they do.

We could not address these two vital audiences within our project due to our limited time and constraints but did mention our insights in the appendix.

Guiding Strategy Statement

Our strategy will focus on students participating in JP4 Diamond Club to feel represented in JP4 and in their communities. This representation is important so that students are able to create and live healthy well-balanced lifestyles. We will do this by focusing on gathering student input and demonstrating impact. As a result we hope to see a change in student retention and growth of JP4’s reach.

Read our team solution below.