
The Welcome Gift Redesign was an assignment for Prime Academy. The premise of the project was to provide Prime’s full-stack students with a new welcome gift to replace the past gift of a water bottle. This project required research, design, and a physical prototype as displayed in Exhibit A.


I developed a mermaid treasure sweater. In this role, I:

  1. Conducted an AEIOU Observation

  2. Heuristic Analysis

  3. Usability Testing along with Storyboarding

  4. Presented a Pitch Deck





Prime has been providing a water bottle to its full-stack development students as a welcome gift when they arrive on campus. Unfortunately, this water bottle is no longer being manufactured; in addition, staff has heard that some students have found it rather unusable and impersonal.

I was tasked with proposing a meaningful welcome gift by observing the full-stack student culture, evaluating the existing water bottle, prototyping a replacement concept, and testing that prototype with users.

Research and Observations

To begin, I observed the full-stack students working in their classrooms, eating lunch, and socializing.

AEIOU Observations

Heuristic Analysis

Design Concept Presentation

Found in Exhibit C, my three concepts were presented to my peers. The concept with the largest amount of votes moved to the next round.

Building the Prototype

User Feedback

I presented my solution to the client. My presentation provided insights based on my research and user feedback.

Client Pitch Presentation